OGC Office Bearers for 2018 / 19 announced

On Tuesday 20 March 2018, the Old Girls' Club AGM took place, seeing 2017's President, Morag Stalker, bidding farewell to a successful Presidency.

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Pam Sinclair took up her new position as 2018's President, with Judy Watson becoming the new Vice-President.

The AGM this year saw the introduction of a new Office Bearing role, that of Junior Vice-President, which Ashley Petrie has gladly taken on.

Maureen Wilkinson has now become Club Secretary with Alison MacLeod remaining Treasurer.

With lots of exciting new events in the pipeline for 2018, the Old Girls' Club would welcome as many of you as possible to their host of events. Should you wish to enquire for further details, please don't hesitate to reach out to the Office of Development who would be happy to support your queries.

Pictured above left to right: Pam Sinclair (President), Judy Watson (Vice-President), Ashley Petrie (Junior Vice-President), Alison MacLeod (Treasurer) and Maureen Wilkinson (Secretary).