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SQA Results 2023

SQA Results 2023. Pupils outside front school on court yard playground, playing and having a break.

Huge congratulations to all the brilliant HSD pupils who have today received their SQA exam results.

We are so proud of every one of them and congratulate them and all their fantastic teachers for their hard work and dedication, which has been rewarded with an excellent set of results that demonstrate the School’s outstanding tradition of examination success.

At Higher level, our pupils achieved a pass rate of 91.6% with 56.3% A grades
At Advanced Higher level the pass rate was 89.4% with 47.6% A grades
At National 5, our F4 pupils achieved a pass rate of 95.7% with 69.2% A grades
Many of our class of 2023 have chosen to apply for university entrance and are now getting ready to reap the rewards of all their hard work, taking up places across Scotland, and beyond, studying a diverse range of subjects. We wish all our leavers the very best as they begin the next exciting phases of their lives.

Rector Lise Hudson said, ”We are thrilled with the exam success of all our pupils.

“At the High School we understand that these results are part of a ‘passport’ that allows our pupils to find their passions and embark on futures that are aspirational and inspirational. This recipe for success comes from our highly motivated and engaged young people who are nurtured and inspired by outstanding teachers and staff who go the extra mile.

“This is a day for celebration across all the HSD family!

As a part of our Post-Exam Service to pupils and parents, senior members of staff and Pastoral Care and Support Teachers are on hand for any pupils requiring support and advice.

We very much look forward to welcoming all our community back for the start of session 2023-24 and to an exciting year ahead.

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