If you’ve not heard from the Old Girls’ for a while or are interested in reconnecting, please fill out our Keeping in touch form below alumni@highschoolofdundee.org.uk
The OGC organise a variety of events each year and support the school in many ways – they operate the Thrift Shop and help throughout the year such as at Open Morning and running stalls at events like our Festival of Sport.
Attending the High School of Dundee from 1980 all the way through until 1993, Ashley thoroughly enjoyed her time at the School along with brother Richard and now-husband Robert Petrie. After leaving the School, Ashley went on to work for MAJR Group as a Business Manager before joining Human Associates in January 2018 as their Operations Director.
In the summer of 1990, Aimi left the High School having spent six years there and having been part of the second generation of her family to attend the School. Both Aimi’s parents had been pupils throughout their primary and secondary education. Come January 1991, she moved to Switzerland, planning to stay for a year or 18 months maximum. 25 and a half years later, having ran her own restaurant, been a retained firefighter for 18 years and worked for the airport police in Kloten (Zürich), Aimi finally returned to Scotland and was invited to join the Old Girls’ Committee. She is looking forward to the year ahead in her most recent role as Vice-President to the Club.
Along with brother Douglas, Maureen attended the High School of Dundee, and thoroughly enjoyed playing hockey and tennis, with a particular academic interest in mathematics. Upon leaving in 1976, Maureen went on to study Mathematics at the University of Edinburgh. However, she decided that this was not the path that she wished to follow and instead went on to work in the Medical Research Department at a laboratory at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee. Later in life Maureen became self-employed, producing embroidery for school sports teams and other bodies.
A member of the class of 1985, Alison has held the role of Treasurer since 2015, having initially joined the Old Girls’ Committee five years prior in 2010. One of a long line of Burnetts to grace the High School corridors, Alison went on to study at Edinburgh University and stayed in the capital raising her family until 2007, at which point she returned to Dundee, with her three children consequently enrolling at the High School. This gave her the opportunity to reacquaint herself with the school, and she has since enjoyed supporting the Old Girls’ activities through a variety of roles and projects.
The High School of Dundee is a charity, registered in Scotland under the following nomenclature: Corporation of The High School of Dundee (SC011522), High School of Dundee Foundation (SC030842) and High School of Dundee Scholarship Fund (SC011441)