Our pupils consistently score well above national averages in SQA examinations and the School regularly features in the top ten list of Scottish schools by results.
Over the years High School of Dundee pupils have also achieved the top results in the country at Higher and Advanced Higher level on numerous occasions.
Increasing emphasis is given to careers advice and preparing for life after school as pupils progress through the Senior Years.
But what do our pupils do, and where do they go when they leave us?
Year on year, around 95% of our leavers move on to Higher Education across the UK and beyond, including the top Scottish universities and Oxford and Cambridge.
Wherever an individual’s talents and interests lie, our aim is to help our pupils make the most of them.
In 2023, 96% of our leavers secured their 1st choice of the university offers that they received
Our leavers were heading off to study a diverse collection of courses, including 2D Animation and Stop Motion, Aerospace Engineering, Computer Game Application Development, Anthropology and Sociology, Sport Management and Forensic Anthropology, as well as a wide range of languages, sciences, business and arts subjects. You can find a full list of our leavers’ course choices below.
Typically around 40% of our leavers go on to study subjects relating to Law, Medicine and Medical Sciences, and Business, while courses such as Dentistry, Architecture, Marketing and Engineering have also proved popular in recent years. With pupils also having taken up courses such as Fashion and Textiles Design, Film and Media and Marine Biology, there really is no limit to what our young people can go on to do.
In terms of destinations, Scottish universities such as Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, St Andrews and Aberdeen always prove popular choices, as do English universities like Durham, York, Newcastle and UCL. Over the years many of our pupils have secured places at Oxford and Cambridge and at overseas institutions, with a number of our recent leavers having successfully negotiated the challenging entry system for US Universities.  Â
Increasingly we are seeing pupils looking to enter employment directly, pursue experience and skills-enhancing gap years or seek out apprenticeships in rapidly developing areas of work. Whatever their next steps are, we work with our pupils to make sure they get the very best from them.
The High School of Dundee is a charity, registered in Scotland under the following nomenclature: Corporation of The High School of Dundee (SC011522), High School of Dundee Foundation (SC030842) and High School of Dundee Scholarship Fund (SC011441)