In Junior Years, we benefit from smaller class sizes and the Class Teacher provides a consistent, high quality primary education to equip your child with the knowledge, experience, and tools to become a happy and successful learner. We also have 4 Pupil Support Assistants who give very valuable support in classrooms, organising and supervising practical activities or giving extra individual support to children who may need it. This is in addition to a dedicated Learning Skills Team for those needing further support.
From P1 to P7, our Junior pupils follow a set timetable with Literacy and Numeracy every day interspersed with a wide range of subjects. French is taught at all levels from P1 to P7. Some of the subjects such as Music and PE are taught by our Senior Years specialists who add a depth of knowledge to achieve amazing results.
Digital technology is given a solid grounding across P1 to P5 and pupils become more confident in computing, coding and the use of i-Pads in readiness for having their own devices from Primary 6. There is a focus on skills development and our Pupil Digital Leaders also take great pride in supporting younger pupils across the Junior Years.
Our virtual learning platform provides pupils and parents with access to valuable resources, and allows for the easy submission of homework. It gives each pupil and parents an ability to track progress in real-time. This means that any areas requiring support are picked up quickly and, in tandem with regular school reports, ensures you feel fully informed at parent evenings.
There is an extensive sports programme in the Junior Years. Children in L1, 2 and 3 visit the large gym within the main building twice a week for PE lessons with a specialist teacher. From L4 upwards, pupils visit the main sports facility at Mayfield twice a week where they take advantage of our superb indoor and outdoor facilities.
Our co-curriculum provides lots of sporting opportunities, including teams playing rugby, hockey and netball. Find out more about sport within the co-curriculum.
Music is also something we think you’ll forgive us for making a noise about. Why? Because…
From L1, children receive a music lesson once a week from a specialist teacher. Many children go on to learn a musical instrument – more than 430 individual music lessons take place every week! – and Junior pupils participate in the School’s training orchestra, wind band, jazz band, pipe band, choirs and more.
They have countless opportunities to perform in front of their peers and parents, and also at the School’s major concerts which are held at the Caird Hall and St Paul’s Cathedral.
If your child has a love of music, HSD is the place for them!
The High School of Dundee is a charity, registered in Scotland under the following nomenclature: Corporation of The High School of Dundee (SC011522), High School of Dundee Foundation (SC030842) and High School of Dundee Scholarship Fund (SC011441)
Find out all about life at the High School of Dundee – join us at our Open Morning on Saturday 21st September. Register here.
Can’t make that date? Want to book a personal tour or a taster day instead? Drop an email to or call 01382 202921 and we can organise this for you.