Learning Skills

Developing and supporting learning wherever a need is encountered

Our Support for Learning (SfL)Team is committed to the provision of appropriate and effective support for all pupils who have an additional support need, to enable them to enjoy and achieve in their education. 

For some pupils, this may be short-term support to overcome a specific barrier to their learning, whilst others may require ongoing support throughout their school career. In school you will hear our pupils and staff refer to our department as the ‘Learning Skills’ Department. 

There are five members of staff in the department, who have specialist experience in supporting pupils with a variety of additional support needs.

Co-ordinated Support

SfL staff work closely with the School Leadership Team, Guidance team and class teachers to support pupils in both the Junior and Senior Years from L1 to Form 6. 

The department also works in partnership with parents and pupils. Parents are always consulted before a child begins Learning Skills support and all pupils that receive timetabled support in the department have an individual Pupil Profile and Learning Plan which is collaboratively evaluated. 

Senior Years

In the Senior Years, Learning Skills support is timetabled on a small group basis. The support aims to develop literacy skills such as reading, spelling and essay planning as well as general study skills and subject reinforcement. Senior Years SfL staff also provide additional assistance to targeted Maths and English classes.

Identification And Assessment

The department recognises the importance of early identification of specific learning difficulties, and the provision of appropriate intervention. The department works collaboratively with subject, class and Guidance teachers to identify pupils that may be displaying indicators of a specific learning difficulty, and also welcomes referrals for assessment from parents, and pupils themselves.

Arrangements For Exams

The procedure for determining whether a pupil is eligible for alternative assessment arrangements for tests and exams is rigorous to ensure fairness and equity for all. The Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) requests evidence from schools to show that support is necessary and reflects the type of support your child would normally receive in their classes.  

The provision for assessment arrangements is carefully monitored and adjusted by the SfL Department according to evidence of need. This means that a pupil may receive alternative assessment arrangements for one subject but not for another.

Advice On Applying For A Place

If your child currently receives additional support with their learning, or has an identified additional support need you should detail this in your application and provide as much background information as possible. This will ensure that they are not unintentionally disadvantaged during the entrance assessment and will allow us to make provision for any additional testing that may be necessary.

Contact us

High School of Dundee
Euclid Crescent

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