Kishen Srinivasan


We were saddened and shocked to learn of the very sudden and untimely death of Mr Kish Srinivasan, former Vice Chairman and long serving member of our School Board.

After training as a Chartered Accountant, Kish became a Senior Lecturer in Accounting at Edinburgh Napier and was later Dean of Faculty at Dundee Institute of Technology (now Abertay University). Later in his career he oversaw quality assurance and inspection arrangements for His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Education (HMI). He led the merger of Dundee and Angus colleges and was also Chairman of the Rotary Club of North Fife.

An invaluable member of the High School community, Kish became Education Convenor in 2008 when he joined the Board and remained in that position until he stepped down in 2022 after serving four terms of office. Kish was absolutely crucial to the development of our Education Committee, bringing his passion, expertise and energy to committee business. In this capacity he also had a significant positive impact on development of the core purpose of the school. His attention to detail, understanding of educational pedagogy and enquiring mind brought a clarity, intellectual rigour and aspirational outlook to all discussions. Kish was also Vice Chair from 2017 and Nominations Convenor. In these roles, Kish applied his diplomatic approach to modernising and updating a range of governance processes and procedures. His work laid the foundations for the news structures and ways of working that are now employed by the Board.

Kish was a huge support to me from the time that I joined the SLT in 2008 as Deputy Rector and now as Rector. He took time to consider the ‘human’ aspects of all approaches and was always on hand to offer a listening ear and sage advice. I and the whole High School community will miss his curiosity, interest and encouragement very much indeed. I also want to thank his wife, Anna for her support behind the scenes and pay tribute to the support from the family not least Nina and Giles Ledlie who are current parents and huge supporters of the school in a number of ways. Nina has served on the Parents’ Association for many years and Giles is part of our Medic Team at Mayfield. Leela has reconnected with the school recently and provided superb video testimonies of how the High School created the building blocks for her success.

Kish was completely dedicated to supporting the High School through his work on the Board and an avid supporter of the educational excellence we provide. However, first and foremost he was a very proud father and grandfather, supporting in audiences and on touchlines over many years and right up to his untimely death.

Kish brought his expertise and enthusiasm for education to all aspects of the High School and will be dearly missed Our deepest condolences are with the family and we send the love and support of the whole High School Community to them at this very sad time.

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