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Our reporting procedures aim to provide you with focused, regular updates on your child’s progress through all stages of their High School of Dundee education.


In the Nursery, children’s folios are always available for parents to look through and can be taken home to be shared with family. These are a wonderful record of all that your child does and learns within the Nursery. In addition, you will also receive a short settling in report after your child has been with us for around 6 to 8 weeks. This will contain some photos and short observations from their first few weeks at Nursery.

In the summer term, a more formal written report of your child’s progress and development across the curriculum will be sent home. There will then be an opportunity to meet with Nursery staff and discuss any aspect of your child’s progress and development

Throughout the year you will be invited to attend meetings in the Nursery with your child’s key person. We want you to feel welcome in the Nursery at any time and the Nursery Manager and her team will be delighted to speak informally or in more detail if you would like to arrange an appointment.

Junior Years 

In the Junior Years, you will receive an interim report in December which focuses on your child’s attitude and application. A full report is then issued in June, giving details of progress made across the whole spectrum of the Integrated Curriculum. You will also be invited to attend two parent-teacher meetings per session: one in October, the other in March. These occasions represent an invaluable opportunity to enhance and secure the vital partnership between school and home.  The Junior Years Administrator, coordinates all aspects of communication between home and school, and parents are always welcome to make an appointment to come into school to meet with class teachers or members of the Senior Leadership Team.

Senior Years

In the Senior Years, you will receive interim profile reports in October, December and March, with a full report being issued in the summer term. Our profile reports focus on your child’s level of attainment as well as providing information about their classwork, homework and overall level of engagement. The December report will include a detailed comment from the Group Tutor following on from a 1:1 discussion with your child about both their academic and co-curricular progress. The full report will include detailed information about your child’s progress in each subject as well as a pastoral report from the Guidance teacher. In addition, all new pupils in the Senior Years have a personal discussion with their Guidance teacher during their first Half Term to ensure that they are settling into school as we would hope. Parents then receive a letter outlining the detail of this meeting and making recommendations for ongoing personal development.

We recognise that written reports are best supported with opportunities for parents to meet with their child’s teachers. We host Parents’ Evenings annually for pupils in Forms 1 to 3 and biannually for pupils in Forms 4 to 6, with the second of those events happening after the Prelim exams in January/February. These invaluable meetings allow you the opportunity not just to review progress, but also to engage proactively in how best to support your children as they move forward.

Of course, we are also very much aware that each one of our pupils is an individual and that, to best meet their needs, parents may require updates on their progress out with the normal reporting schedule. The Guidance team are always happy to receive such requests, to co-ordinate additional feedback and to provide that to you in the most helpful format, be that written feedback via email, or through a direct conversation or meeting.