Sports Open Morning

9.30 - 12.30, Saturday 26th October

L7 pupil playing rugby at Mayfield

We are passionate about sport and all of the benefits it provides for our pupils.

We strike a balance between performance and participation, enabling our most able sportspeople to achieve excellence, whilst, at the same time, catering for the needs of all pupils.

How do we achieve this? Through a three-pronged approach consisting of progressive timetabled lessons, delivered by full-time PE specialists and covering a range of sports; a huge programme of fixtures and co-curricular activities; and our unique High Performance Sport Programme. Not to mention our fantastic sports facilities at Mayfield.

Join us on Saturday 26th October for a closer look at how our High Performance Sport Programme helps young athletes reach the next level and achieve success in both their sport and their studies.

Meet the PE staff, tour our fantastic sports facilities, and enjoy the buzz of Mayfield on match day as our teams take part in fixtures.

Please complete the form below to book your place.

Contact us

High School of Dundee
Euclid Crescent

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